Support Staff Policies & Procedures
Support Staff Disciplinary Action Policy & Procedure
Last updated November 7, 2024
POLICY NAME: Support Staff Disciplinary Action Policy & Procedure
Michigan State University (MSU) utilizes a progressive discipline approach designed to provide a structured corrective action process to improve behavior and prevent recurrence of undesirable employee behavior or performance.
Although every effort is made to utilize progressive steps, the University recognizes there may be instances where the situation rises to a higher level.
The university has rules governing the personal conduct of employees.These rules do not preclude the establishment of additional rules by the individual departments.
Infraction of University or departmental rules shall be regarded as cause for disciplinary action.
This policy applies to regular, MSU support and temporary 1585 employees.
Types of disciplinary action:
- Verbal warning - notification and warning to employee
- Written reprimand - formal notification in writing to employee
- Suspension - loss of work and wages for a specified number of hours or days
- Demotion – reduction in classification level and/or pay grade
- Discharge - termination of employment
Progressive discipline: MSU promotes a policy of progressive or corrective discipline, i.e., discipline shall gradually increase depending upon the severity and/or frequency of the infractions.
Normally, disciplinary action begins with a verbal warning for the first offense and culminates with discharge only after repeated attempts to correct employee's behavior have failed.
Serious infractions may warrant immediate imposition of a written reprimand, suspension, or discharge, as appropriate.
MSU is committed to a culture of compliance, accountability, collaboration, equity, excellence, integrity, and respect in which all university employees and students act with integrity, care, and responsibility.
The purpose of disciplinary action is to provide an employee the opportunity to change their behavior. Discipline is not intended to be punitive.
A. All disciplinary action taken must be properly documented as described in the procedure outlined below. Departments shall use the Support Staff Disciplinary Action Form (DAF).
The right to union representation during discussions exists where employees reasonably believe discipline may result. If the employee requests such representation, the employee must be allowed to be accompanied by a union representative at any stage of the disciplinary process. Request for representation is not required when the employee is assured no discipline will result from the discussion. Coaching conversations, goal setting, and performance evaluation discussions, including performance improvement plans, are not considered discipline.
Determination of action: Departments, in conjunction with Employee and Labor Relations, will determine the action appropriate to the infraction up to and including termination, considering the severity of the offense, mitigating circumstances, previous infractions, etc.
Prior approval for discharge must be obtained from MSU Human Resources, Employee and Labor Relations.
Administrative leave pending investigation (if necessary)
- Contact
MSU HR Employee and Labor Relations
for assistance in determination of administrative leave pending investigation
- Notify employee of right to representation and allow for union representative to be present when issuing notice of administrative leave pending investigation if requested by employee
- State the alleged misconduct the employee is being investigated for
- Inform the employee that you will contact them to arrange a subsequent investigatory meeting at a future date.
- Conclude the meeting
- Determine access needs/revocations appropriate during pending investigation
B. Investigation into allegations
of misconduct:
- Investigate facts related to alleged misconduct or violation of work rules
- Review employment record
- Before taking disciplinary action, particularly in cases involving suspension or discharge, consult with MSU HR Employee and Labor Relations
- Determine an appropriate action in accordance with progressive discipline, where appropriate
- If discipline is to be imposed, prepare Support Staff DAF and schedule disciplinary meeting as outlined below
C. Disciplinary action:
- If investigation produces cause for discipline, prepare Support Staff DAF
- Notify employee of right to representation and allow for union representative to be present at disciplinary meeting if requested by employee
- Meet with employee to discuss their action(s) and present any applicable discipline
- Inform employee of specific problem
- Inform employee how behavior can be improved and what is expected
- Warn employee that failure to correct behavior may result in further disciplinary action up to and including termination
- Sign DAF and ask employee to sign acknowledging receipt. If employee does not wish to sign, so indicate
- Distribute original and copies as set forth on the Support Staff DAF.
- If a suspension is issued for 10 days or less, enter unpaid unexcused time in the EBS Portal and approve by Payroll Time Due Date for payroll processing. If the suspension is issued for greater than 10 days, MSU Human Resources - Benefits should be notified by submitting the Leave of Absence form placing the employee on an unpaid leave of absence
- If investigation produces cause for discharge, prepare Support Staff DAF. Include the following:
- indicate employee is discharged
- a statement of problem including specific reasons for the discharge
- a summary of previous discussions and/or disciplinary action(s)
- If a discharge, complete Termination Form in EBS Portal. Confirm accuracy of final check/deposit notification. Confirm all time off has been entered and approved in EBS.
- (NOTE: If the employee is unavailable, a notice of discharge letter is to be mailed to the employee's last address of record by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested.)
- Refer questions to: MSU Human Resources Employee and Labor Relations (telephone 517-353-5510, e-mail)
Appeals of discipline: Grievance procedures are detailed in individual collective bargaining agreements.
A University grievance procedure is available to those employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
Employees who knowingly violate this policy may be subject to discipline.
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